This deck is unique due to its eclectic mix of cards, notably the inclusion of Pidgeot ex, Bidoof and Bibarel for stability and draw support, alongside niche tech cards like Collapsed Stadium and Prime Catcher. Unique also is the use of Technical Machine: Evolution for strategic evolution triggers. A good opening hand ideally includes a Gastly and a Rare Candy to quickly evolve into Gengar ex, along with a Nest Ball for fetching necessary basics like Pidgey or Cleffa for draw support. For the first three turns, prioritize getting a Gastly on the bench and use Rare Candy to evolve into Haunter and then Gengar ex as early as possible. Secure your setup further with Nest Ball and Ultra Ball to find and play support Pokémon like Pidgey and Bidoof. On Turn 2, deploy Bidoof and evolve to Bibarel for extra draw power each turn. By Turn 3, aim to use Boss's Orders to disrupt your opponent while consolidating Gengar ex as your main attacker, ensuring the rest of your bench is optimized for draw and evolving other key cards. This deck earns a Jank Score of 750 out of 1000 due to its unorthodox composition and reliance on a mix of both staple and highly situational cards. The deck would likely appeal to a player who enjoys creative and unpredictable gameplay, values having multiple tech options, and doesn't mind the inconsistency that often comes with non-traditional deck structures.
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